
27 July 2009 • 3:11 pm

The Tortoise is Back

Many thanks for your patience while the Tortoise has been out of sorts. The technical problems that the site was experiencing appear to be resolved, although not apparently as a result of any of the maintenance upgrades that the site needed. So I have no certainty that there won’t be more problems, but things seem okay right now.

Because of an abundance of spam comments, I’ve closed all prior posts to new comments. Of course, new posts will be open for comments, and I hope you’ll contribute to building a dialog here. If you’d like to comment on any post, past or present, you may also send an e-mail to Your topic suggestions are especially welcome.

I also learned how easy it is to fall out of the routine of daily blogging. I am working on the first substantive post in a week, and should have it up soon. I’ll be working hard to regain the lost momentum.  

Thanks again for sticking around.

20 July 2009 • 8:19 pm

Comments About Comments and the Tenacious Blog

To my great dismay, I discovered over the weekend that the comment form for blog posts is not working (thanks to my friend Jim for making me less clueless). My dismay was tempered by a glimmer of hope; that the reason that there have been so few comments to the posts is entirely related to this problem – but I am not convinced. As recently as today I am still getting an occasional spam comment, which is one reason why the comments are moderated before they go live. I simply don’t know yet when the problem started, and how many of your thoughtful comments were sacrificed to the dreaded “500 – Internal server error” monster. To anyone who may have wanted to post a comment and was unable, please accept my humble apologies.


Over the next couple of days, I’ll be working to try to resolve the problem, and to apply some much-needed maintenance to the WordPress engine and Atahualpa WordPress theme that power the site (both are open source shareware platforms without which I wouldn’t have been able to build the site). So there may be an interruption in the blogroll and times when the site will be incomplete or unavailable.

Thanks in advance for your loyalty and patience.  more